Hadha min fadli Rabbi (هَـٰذَا مِن فَضْلِ رَبِّي) “This is by the Grace of my Lord.” Generally speaking, the phrase is most often used to convey a sense of humility and most importantly, gratitude to Allah for having something, be it material or spiritual, or otherwise, such as a talent one may possess, or good health, good income, good spouse, children, etc.
you can put anywhere in your home or office. You can choose locations like beside door, window or on the pillars. A wall decal, also known as a wall sticker, wall tattoo, or wall vinyl, is a vinyl sticker that is affixed to a wall or other smooth surface for decoration and informational purposes. Wall decals are cut with vinyl cutting machines. Most decals use only one color, but some may have various images printed upon them.
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